Frankie: well how about you start us off (who's talking, whats your role in the band, and who are your partners in crime!?)
Jay: This is Jay, I am the singer. The others are Jake and Jeff on guitar, john on bass and Keith maddog on drums.
Frankie: you guys are from Connecticut right, close to the Mass. border?
Jay: We are actually from all over – but mostly from MA now due to some defectors. Jake, Jeff, and John live in Mass, Keith is from LI, and I am the only remaining person in CT.
Frankie: Is just about every member of Ambitions an ex-member of With Honor, what other bands have you all come from?
Jay: Three of us are. We were also all in other bands before as well. Keith was in Thieves & Assassins from LI and has been doing multiple duties with other bands as of late. A few of us play in a new band called Unforgiven.
Frankie: when did you guys start the band, and when Ambitions was formed did you guys have any real plans for the band at all, did you ever envision that you'd have put out three 7"s and an LP?
Jay: Ha wow that seems like a lot! We first started in 2006. Our original plan was to not really have much of a plan other than creating a band that represented ourselves and that we were proud of. The band started as a 3 piece, with me Jeff and john sharing duties on recording for the “Question” EP. We would then get fill-ins to play out live, at one point we had matt fox and matt Fletcher from Shai Hulud filling in, and Mark Choiniere from Throwdown among others. Later we cemented the lineup and recorded “Stranger”.
Frankie: when someone listens to Ambitions, it's evident that there's a lot of different "sounds" involved. What bands would you say have really influenced Ambitions the most?
Jay: Honestly, we really let everything out on “Stranger”. So our influences are everything from post-hardcore bands like Shelter & Quicksand to alt-rock like Pearl Jam, Sponge, and even Queensryche haha. We really tried to focus on making songs rather than an album that just embodies a “sound” or a “feeling”.
Frankie: I noticed that every song has a lot going on, there are lots of layers, whether it be guitars, drums, or vocals. Everybody plays just as an important role as the other, and no one instrument gets overshadowed by another. Did you aim to have that kind of depth to Ambitions' sound?
Jay: We tried! Hopefully at times we succeeded.

Frankie: Lyrically what do you cover in your songs, would I be right if I interpreted some to be about change, this generation, and good times/memories?
Jay: I would say that’s a fair statement. In the new album I feel like I invested some more of myself, and also wrote a few songs in character which was a change for me, like “Losing Control” and “Redemptive Soul” but there are some theories and pieces of me in those as well.
Frankie: isn't Ambitions kind of like a weekend warrior band, you guys work a lot during the week and play on days off/weekends?
Jay: That’s how it’s become at this point. We were a little more active, say, a year ago where we did some tours with Bane, Modern Life Is War, and Down to Nothing. It was always up in the air and we never wanted to come to a point where touring became a necessity and lost the fun like it has in past bands. Right now we all have steady day jobs, so we are doing what we can. We will probably be a bit more active in the summer, and we have yet to hit the west coast!! We would like to hit Europe as well.
Frankie: who has the most serious/strictest job?
Jay: I guess that would be me. I recently got a new job in Order Management at a tool company – so vacation is limited and even weekend shows can be tough. But we’ll make it work somehow!
Frankie: in 2007 you guys signed to Bridge 9 Records, how has that gone for you? were there any real big changes, going from Thinkfast! to Bridge 9?
Jay: When we first started this band, we laid down a few ground rules. The first was that we would do exactly what we wanted without bending to anyone’s expectations, and also that we would only work with people who we believed in and believed in us. In past bands, we sometimes felt like we were compromising based on politics or what have you. Both B9 and TF! have been great to work with and great as people, so we have no complaints! I wouldn’t say there has been a significant difference in working with the two.
Frankie: How'd recording of the new LP "stranger" go?was it stressful to write all those songs and new material for Ambitions first full-length?
Jay: Not really – we had a lot of fun. We also had time to do demo tracks for pre-production so we had time on tour to listen back and make changes. The recording was a long process, but I think in the end it was worth it.
Frankie: all of Ambitions releases have been recorded at Silver-Bullet Studios, what’s up with that, is it close to where you guys live now?
Jay: It’s about 20 minutes from where I live, and where John and Jeff used to live as well. Plus we got to record with our good friend Greg who helped produce the record and was a great soundboard for ideas. So we got to take our time and really map out what we wanted to do.

Frankie: What's your favorite part of playing shows?
Jay: I think the energy of the crowd – especially the feeling of playing a new song for the first time and having people know the words and connecting with what you are saying. It makes it all worthwhile.
Frankie: With your vinyl releases, has the band picked the colors or does the label get final say?
Jay: A little of both. We usually coordinate with the label and brainstorm ideas for cool colors that fit the scheme of the layout. I think the “Stranger” and “Neon Lights” vinyl came out especially neat.
Frankie: what's your favorite HC band that is still around and playing today?
Jay: Hard to say, it’s tough to keep up these days! I’d say Crime in Stereo and Hostage Calm from CT are two current bands I love to watch.
Frankie: on Bridge 9 you guys have a shirt with a sniper on it, is there any symbolism there?
Jay: None that I know of – ha. But I didn’t really have a hand in that particular design.
Frankie: Any bands that you really miss?
Jay: I miss Fastbreak, an old CT band, and I wish The Hope Conspiracy would play more shows.

Frankie: five words that just aren’t used enough?
Jay: Afterburner, eliminator, recycler, antennae, beards
Frankie: what’s wrong with the youth of today?
Jay: Technology. I think today’s youth is so inundated with information and everything is so easy, that a lot of work ethic has been lost. In music, it seems like people aren’t as attached to bands because there are so many to choose from. And with downloading making music so accessible, it also makes it easier to disregard. I’m not sure there is a way to change this; it’s just the way society is progressing. It makes being in a band that much harder – and more rewarding if you can connect with people!
Frankie: hey, thanks for doing the interview. Have any final words/shout outs/ or threats you'd like to make?Thanks to you for the interview and interest. Hopefully we’ll be back up to Maine soon – and not in hurricane conditions haha!
Jay: Thanks to the people we have come across who have helped us out for the right reasons – you know who you are, and who you aren’t. We appreciate anyone who has supported this band thus far, and hope to see you soon!